Thursday, July 19, 2012

Loads new: some GOOD, some BAD!

Firstly, they've named Farasi at last. She's called Sophia.

I know I should be pleased, but actually I'm not. Sophia doesn't suit her! It means wisdom, and that just doesn't suit her! I don't know why. Personally, I'm going to carry on calling her Farasi. One odd thing is why didn't AJ HQ name the giraffe and penguin at the same time? As well as making a Rufus statue. I hope that when they do do the giraffe and penguin they name them Baridi and Twiga. I know it's silly of me to think my ideas would be chosen when thousands other jammers have made suggestions, but I can't help it.

And this is the Jamaa Journal, foxes are finally here!

Ok, that's good, but of course they're member, and they don't put that on the front page! In fact they don't put it anywhere in there. So they're trying to make jammers really disappointed and go and buy a membership. That is HORRIBLE. And another thing is that they don't mention Spirit Stones at all...

Brilliant news!

I hope monkeys will be back soon! But one thing I don't get is how can virtual money help real endangered animals? It doesn't make sense.

And I got a picture of the stuff that used to be in Coral Corners.

It makes me feel so nostalgic. I now remember how the member items had a blue backgrounds and the non-member had a beigey-browny colour...

And this is the worst news of the lot. Where Coral Corner used to be, they made a Den Depot! It's so humany, jammers going to estate agencies!

It makes me want to be sick, cry, scream and choke all at once. To think they've replaced Coral Corner, what used to be the nicest shop in Jamaa, with an estate agency! And you can still buy the dens from your den!

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