Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to Animal Jam Spark!

Hello! Welcome to my new blog! To celebrate the opening of it I am having a contest. Some of the questions will be about real-life stuff, for those ones please don't look up the answers on the internet.
You must put your username with your comment
You can only enter once
Do NOT enter again with a different account
 Answer all questions in the comment section
You must put your username in the comment
 Do NOT copy other jammers's comments

Also, everyone who gets these answers right will go on to the next round. Then there will be another contest and so on and so on until there is only one winner! This contest will be closed on the seventh, at five p.m this blog's time. If you don't get into this contest, or get it wrong, don't worry! There will always be more contests!

The prizes:

If you want to donate prizes it would be great! Because one day I'm going to run out of items...!

Let the contest begin!

 Q 1. Which Shaman is loud and fiesty?
Q 2. Did the Aztecs invent chocolate?
Q  3. What used to be in the place where the flamingo now is in Crystal Sands?
Q 4. True or False: An adder is the same thing as a viper.
Q 5.Who created Mira the Sky Mother?
Q 6. Are pine-cones open or shut when the weather is rainy?
Q 7. What colour worn blanket came out for the Leap Year Party?
Q 8. Do all cats (wild and domestic) have retractable claws?
Q 9. Where Jamaa Central is now, what did there use to be?

Thanks for looking at my blog, for entering the contest, good luck and happy jamming!

~ StarryGem


  1. Q 1. Peck the rabbit Shaman
    Q 2. No
    Q 3. The honking bird
    Q 4. True
    Q 5. Zios
    Q 6. Closed
    Q 7. Purple
    Q 8. No
    Q 9. A gong

    My username is Kinyonga! :P ;) :)
    Good luck everyone!!

  2. 1, peck
    2. no???? :\
    3. A really loud yellow bird!
    4. True! read it in my animal book! xD
    5. NO IDEA. . .
    6. Never herd of them being open. . . so Closed
    7. Purple! ( I bought 100000000000 of those! xD)
    8. No! The Cheetah Dose not!
    9. I green gem!

  3. 1. Peck the Rabbit Shaman.
    2. No
    3. An odd yellow and orange bird that can be found on the newest honepage of Animal Jam (or just the screeching bird)
    4. True.
    5. Zios the Sky Father
    6. Shut
    7. Purple
    8. No (I am pretty sure my cat's claws don't retract.)
    9. A gong

    And my username is MangoShapedSpace.

  4. 1. Peck
    2. No the Mayas did
    3. a yellow bird that made honking noises
    4. true
    5. Zios because he was lonely
    6. closed
    7. purple
    8. No
    9. A big rocky circle with a green crystal or gem inside!
    My username on animal jam is TheSafari07 :)

  5. Ps I read ur about me, Starrygem, and I'm 10 too, but I am turning 11 tomorrow!

    1. Happy birthday, MangoShapedSpace!


    2. Happy birthday!! MangoShapedSpace! I hope you have a great day!!
      -TheSafari07 :)

    3. Happy birthday Mango!!!! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear mango, happy birthday to you!! Next time I see you on AJ I will give you your birthday present!!


      P.S I know it has my name, and my picture a few comments above, but that was my sis...

    4. Happy b-day Mango!!!!!! Have an awesome day!!!!! (have an awesome LATE birthday) Oh, and Kinyonga, I'm curious to know what you got Mango.....
      ~katgoo449 the wizard/KittyinBowTie

  6. 1. Peck the rabbit shaman
    2. No
    3. A yellow honky bird called a... Honking Bird!
    4. True
    5. Zios the sky father
    6. Closed
    7. Purple.... The only color of worns no one ever wants
    8. No
    9. A big rock thingy with a green gem inside of it!
    ~katgoo449 the wizard/KittyinBowTie (katgoo449 is my main account, KittyinBowTie is just a storage.)

  7. Q1. Peck the rabbit shaman

    Q2. No

    Q3. A yellow bird that honked! lol

    Q4. True

    Q5. Zios the Sky Father

    Q6. Closed

    Q7. Purple

    Q8. No

    Q9. A green gem


  8. Hi it's Star8puppy. My friend couldn't comment because there's no anonymous. Sorry, i know i'm commenting again but this is for my friend here are her answers:

    Q 1: peck the rabbit shaman
    Q 2: yes
    Q 3: the screen bird is what i call it
    Q 4: true
    Q 5: zios because he got lonely
    Q 6: open
    Q 7: Purple
    Q 8: yes but only the cheetah doesn't have retractable claws
    Q 9: a gong


    -1natureprincess :)


Commenting rules:
No swearing/use of bad words/cussing/cursing!
No racist comments!
No asking for private information!
Be sure not to hurt someone's feelings!
Be appropriate to all ages!
If you have something negative to say about this blog, go ahead and say it. I need to know where to make improvements!
Keep commenting :P!
PS. If you do not abide these rules (including the commenting ones ;P!) then the comments will not be published...