Friday, August 10, 2012

Membership isn't fair!

There are two new items in Jam Mart Furniture, the sunflower lamp and the hanging vines, which I really like (and I'm sure you already know about, sorry for the late post), but they are for members only! 

 One thing is, they're not vines, they're creepers. Vines doesn't mean all plants which cimb, it's the plant which grapes grow on. Doesn't AJ HQ know that? Or are these meant to be the vines that grapes grow on?

These two items are really nice and naturey! They're great! BUT THEY'RE MEMBER!!! I wish AJ HQ would stop making so much member stuff! It's so mean! I wish they would try putting themselves in the shoes of us non-members! I mean, so many Jammers just can't become members. I guess I could save up enough money to become one, but my mum doesn't like me spending my pocket money on virtual stuff. It is the same for so many Jammers! And other Jammers don't get pocket money, or very little, which is hardly their fault, and so on. Another thing my mum said when I last asked her if I could become a member is that we don't want to give AJ HQ what they want, to encourage them. I have to agree with her there. The most unfair thing, though, is pets. On all other virtual games with pets I know, non-members can get at least some pets. I think non-members should be able to get, say... kitties, froggies, seahorses and jellyfish or something AT LEAST! But no, AJ HQ doesn't have enough of a heart even for that. And non-members should DEFINETELY be allowed a underwater den. There's practically nothing for us non-members to do in the Oceans of Jamaa! If we had a den to decorate it would be great! But no, not even that! Why is AJ HQ so mercenary? Don't they know that money doesn't create happiness?

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