Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Two Things... *EDIT*

Hello Jammers! This is just to say two things. One, my sister Kinyonga is having a contest, go to her blog (Animal Jam Times) to enter! And two, I'm giving one of my accounts away. There are a couple of rarish items on there and I've got about a ton of accounts (StarryGem, Chepkorir, Chepkorea, Countess11, AiliGoesBzzX7, Gemmypaw, shiningmoonlight and some others). It's shiningmoonlight who I'm giving away. Warning: this is NOT a scam. Please trust me! To claim this account comment and say you want it, and we can meet up on AJ and I'll tell you the password.Or if you'd rather the username was something else just comment and I'll get it changed and then give it to you then. Bye for now, and please claim my account! (Only one person can do so obviously, so hurry up and be the one!).

 *EDIT* MangoShapedSpace now owns the account


  1. I'd maybe like the account, because one of my friends recently got hacked and lost all her rares :/

    1. Hi Mango! I will jamagram you the password from a member account which someone was kind enough to give me and my sister when they quit (after give the rares to someone! :P).



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