Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Construction Hat

Hello Jammers. This morning I woke up with a runny, blocked nose, a sneeze, a cough and a sore throat. The sore throat's almost gone but my nose is still really bunged up and I'm still sneezing. Anyway, enough of my ailments, today's item is the construction helmet. 

I think it's not only too human/modern,but also all that to do with construction is silly, because WE DON'T WANT THE WORLD BUILT UP, do we? No. We want to preserve the countryside. So this is a stupid idea, I mean, I thought Nat Geo wanted to get "Save wildlife" and "Stop habitat destruction" hammered into people's heads. And it's also member and expensive. I think a Coral Corner item should have come today, like the firepit or something. Meanwhile, my contest is going on below, click here to enter!
See you in Jamaa!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your kind thought :), and my sore throat's gone now :)

  2. P. S. I will start my story at school today in my free time ^.^

  3. My story is nearly done! I just have to type it up and paste it to a comment. And I just got ze email! ^3^


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