Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Items of The Day!

Meep, hello!

I can't believe this thing's meant to be made of coral. Well, you know I don't like these tombstones anyway so I rate it 5% out of 100, which is one fifth of one out of ten.
I don't like this either, unfortunately:
Oughtn't it be called an "Eyeball Mask" not "Hat"? Well, anyway, I rate it 5% too. Oh, and you'd prob'ly be interested to know that it's different colours this year. 
And the underwater halo is back:
 Now, if you've got a seal (and are a member) you can wear this in the oceans and on land! How cool, even though I'm not a great fan of this item. I rate it 30%, which is three out of ten. Remember, ratings are just my opinion! :) 
Have a super duper day!


  1. I'm glad the eyeball hat is back because I want a green one, and ya. That is seriously not made out of coral.

    1. You would want a GREEN one! :P Ikr about the coral thing!

  2. I hate to be a stickler for details, but %5 is one out of 20, not 2 out of 10. I'm in pre-calculus math, so I should know. ;) You don't have to publish this, Starry.


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