Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Mask and... Arctic Wolf?

Hello! Today's item is the MEMBERS ONLY pumpkin mask, found in the Hot Cocoa Hut. 

And, if you look up LiitleMighty, who most probably works for AJ HQ, you will see this:

An ARCTIC WOLF?! That's outrageous! Hear my reasons why: Arctic Wolves, like Arctic Foxes, aren't their own species, only a breed of Grey Wolves, so it's ridiculous, like having Bengal tigers and Indian tigers (for instance)! Secondly, how come this AJHQian has one when they aren't released for us? That's not fair! And lastly, these are going to come out on cards, I'm sure. Know how I can tell, using my non-existent psychic powers? Because on lions it says "King of the Jungle" when you first get it. And this says "Arctic Wolf", not for instance "Little Cutewolf". If they do bring these out, I think it would be a good idea to make them ordinary, non-member animals and delete the ordinary wolves. Just me though! What do you think about this "Arctic Wolf"? 


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