Saturday, October 13, 2012

Round Two!

Hello! Mia776, Amelia0308 and Kinyonga, I'm afraid none of you came through with all Qs right in the Contest. So I'm having another round nevertheless, but I'm afraid Mia776 cannot enter Round 2 because she got too many wrong in this round. Anyway, here are the answers! 

A1. A newt looks a bit like across between a frog and a lizard. It is semi-aquatic, part of the family Salamandredae and its closest relative is a salamander.  
A2. A kindle of kittens can have up to as many fathers as there are kittens!
MA1. There are several other ways of becoming a werewolf. 
MA2. Naiads are river nymphs or freshwater spirits.  
A3. Here are three of the many - cat kittens, dormice pups and dog puppies. 
A4. A baby spider is called a spiderling! Isn't that cute?
A5. A group of cats is a clowder and foxes a skulk, leash or earth. 
A6. Jungle originally meant "Dry - where nothing much grows"! Nothing like what we use that word for today!
AJA. Jamaa's newest land, mind you, not ocean, is Appondale. 

You can check back at the comments on the contest post to see which you got right/wrong, for they have now been published. 

Now for Round Two! Send your art in to, Amelia and Kinyonga! Well, there's no point in Kiny doing that, she can just show it to me. Good luck! And, Mia, better luck next time!



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