Friday, May 10, 2013

The Problem With AJ HQ

Hello everyone - Jammers and not Jammers! ^.^

First, a quick side note: I have 16 followers, and I know you can't be expected to comment when I don't post, but can you at least comment when I do post? Thanks.)

Anyway, the problem with AJ HQ is that they make nice item ideas but the items look ugly. Here are some examples. 

This should have looked like this:


This should have looked like this:

This should have looked like a crystal version of this:

Who agrees with me? :3
Picture credit goes to Animal Jam Empire, Animal Jam Times, Animal Jam Nox, and Google!


  1. AJHQ are loony and not right in their minds.

  2. AJHQ needs to update more and listen to jammers more. If they listened more, some really good ideas could come into the game... Like hippos and hyenas!! And I agree with the head flower thing... Ugh.


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