Saturday, September 8, 2012

Round Glasses Argh run!

I'm the first poster XD! Today's new item is the super-scary, horrifying round glasses in Jam Mart Clothing. 

Here is what they look like on a seal: 

RUUUNNN! My contest is going on a few posts below, I'm elongating the closing date AGAIN. Please enter! Or else...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Starry! I am still working on putting the wolves in my book, and I will use them if you really want me to! ;)
    Hmm, Well, the fox, can be a dark brown he-fox, with ice-y blue eyes! black paws, and .. well, dark brown instead of the regular colors of a fox, same markings of a fox too! Hope you like him!
    P.s. If you don't have a name for him, I have an idea:

    Hope you like him! x3



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