Sunday, September 9, 2012

Super Weird Graham Fountain...!

Good morning, Pyjamas. (Yeah, I know, it probably isn't morning where you are and when you're looking at this, but it looks catchy). Today's new (super scary, weird, ARGH) item is this:
Arrrgggghhh! -Run a mile- Phew... I like the idea, but honestly, it isn't the kind of thing you'd like to bang into in the dark. Urrhhhh... Oh, and do you like my new face? - Kinyonga cuts in and yells "Meep! What?! You went to the plastic surgeon?! Noooooo! I won't say I liked your face before but now what does it look like?! - Ignoring that, here's my new face:                                                                              @.  .@  

What do you think?


  1. Cool emoticon thing! And WHAT did you do at the plastic surgeons? Trying to evade the question are we...?

    ~Kinyonga who thinks her sister is (out of 10) 10 nuts.

  2. Lol I don't think she went to the plastic surgeon as mean her @. .@ face!


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