Saturday, October 20, 2012

Contest Winner

Remember my contest? The quiz one with the art round? Yeah, well, Duchess Cleverclaw (Amelia0308) is the winner! Brilliant, Duchess! Here is her awesome artwork:

Remarkable, huh? I love it! You may have been wondering what you win, Duchess. Well, here it is!

I am sorry about the lack of interestingness, which I'm sure isn't a word. I was going to award you Hallowe'en items but they came out, so yeah. I hope you like these anyway! If you are going to Kinyonga's party (3.00 pm French time today, in Kinyonga's den; it's a 10 000 views party) then I'll trade them to you then. Otherwise next time we are both on. Make sure you have a worthless item to trade for them. Have a great day everyone, and remember, I know who looks at this blog, and I want to see you at Kinyonga's party!


  1. Hey Starry! Thanks very much for the prize donations, ill use them for the next contest!! :)


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