Meep, hello everyone! Guess how many hours sleep I had last nigh? 7. Yaaaaawwwwn! We went somewhere, had a look at some marble for our bathroom washbasin top, had supper over there, stopped at our cousin's place at midnight, and arrived back home at one in the morning. Anyway, Kinyonga is having a party for her 10 000 views! Congrats, sis! Here are the details, and make sure you come!
Where? Kinyonga's Den.
When? 3.00 pm French time, Saturday the 27th, viz: today week.
What? Kinyonga's 10 000 views and more than 20 followers party.
You can come in Hallowe'en costumes. See ya there!
Meanwhile, voila la truc de la jour. (Ok, that's French - it means "Here is the whatsit of the day". I don't know what item is in French...) Anyway, here it is.

Why do so many items just HAVE to be member? It's not fair. Meep. Remember, Kinyonga's party awaits you at 3.00 pm French time! Be sure to come!

PS. Thanks a lot, Sleepysasha, for posting for me yesterday. I appreciate it. And MangoShapedSpace, I'll resend you your author request so you can both be authors! (I'll probably make you administrators at the end of the year!) Bye, and I hope to see you both at Kin's party!
I've gotten 3 hours before. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd just a few days ago, I got 5.